3 Colour Discipleship Resources

There are five books and accompanying personal assessment tools in the series, each based on one of the eight Quality Characteristics of healthy churches. The centre of each resource is the Trinitarian Compass.

The 3 Color Books

The 3 Colors of Leadership introduces the trinitarian balance of empowerment and leadership, and provides six corresponding characteristics of each. Like all the books in the series, balance is exhibited in training, motivating and liberating.

The 3 Colors of Your Gifts shows how a trinitarian approach to spiritual gifts can create a positive growth dynamic exactly in those areas where the topic may have caused controversies in the past. It includes the Three-Color Gift Test. Translated into 20 languages versions and 460,000 copies sold. Updated and revised in 2017, this book was previously titled The 3 Colors of Ministry.

The 3 Colors of Your Spirituality helps individuals discover their spiritual style (i.e. their individual “antenna for God”) and teaches them how to interact most creatively with people who display different spiritual styles. Particularly helpful when factions of a congregation may have trouble understanding one another.

The 3 Colors of Community introduces the concept of God’s energy, and shows how to discover and release an individual’s unique spiritual energy. Will mke any smaller group relevant both for the participants and for outsiders.

The 3 Colors of Love integrates the three dimensions of justice, truth, and grace and how these three aspects of Love demonstrate the Fruit of the Spirit based on Galatians 5:22.

Purchase 3 Color Resources

Visit our 3 Color online store to purchase any of the books and/or tests in The 3 Color Discipleship Resources. Group discounts are available.

The 3 Color Assessments

The eTests that are integrated in the books of the NCD Discipleship Resources, and most are, or will be soon, available as stand-alone e-versions. Each Test can be used by individuals or for groups. The current online versions are the Empowerment, Communal, Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual Styles, and Stewardship Tests.