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The NCD Cycle

Churches often find themselves in a two-phase cycle of Perceive & Do … they see a problem and move to fix it – fast!

The NCD Cycle has six phases:

  1. Perceive: What do we think is going on?
  2. Test: Gather data to see how accurate our perceptions are or aren‘t
  3. Understand: Or discern, what the issues are holding back all-by-itself growth potential from being released
  4. Plan: Prioritize the barriers to remove and how; who will do what; and by when?
  5. Do: Carry out the plan, don‘t just file it away
  6. Experience: Watch – deliberately – to see how God moves differently as the barriers are removed

The Health Team, including the Pastor, works through this Cycle, often guided by an NCD Coach, especially through the first three or four (annual) Cycles. Members of the Health Team should be:

  • Spiritually mature
  • Strategic thinkers, see the big picture
  • Interested in the Health Principles
  • Keen about the health of the church increasing

This 5½ minute YouTube video was produce by our Australian National Partner, Adam Johnstone.

A quick overview of the Eight Quality Characteristics and how they constitute the health of a local congregation. Ideal for introducing and reviewing the NCD principles, concepts and processes.